Monday, December 13, 2010

Days 12, 13, 14

 This area has been in various  states of disarray, the one on the floor being mostly caused by a package from Bruce's mom. The trunk has looked like that for a while, which was me half cleaning off another surface and just leaving it there. 
This area has also been looking stupid for a while and used to have even more junk on it. Anyway, I cleaned it off.

I realized yesterday that I was only a few moves away from getting the bedroom totally done. 
You can't really tell how awesome it is and how much work I've done, but it looks fucking awesome in our room right now.

 Not ideal, not beautiful-- but certainly uncluttered (at least for me). I'm really impressed. I just sat and stared at it last night. It's not been like this before- including when we moved in over a year ago. 

I also cleaned off the DVD rack in the living room and I'll have you know I also cleaned out INSIDE the trunk and two dressers. I found lots of missing stuff, paired about 15 or 20 pair of unmatched socks and got rid of a ton of stuff too. Didn't find any $ that I didn't know about, but that's okay. This feels great.

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